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- By george343 (Beginner) [nl] Date 07-07-2019 20:37 Edited 07-07-2019 20:40
First of all I want to apologize because I don't speak dutch just yet, I' ve been living in The Hague for about 10 months.
So my name is George, I came from Greece in the end of 2018 and I brought my rx8 with me. I have it for 12 years now and I love it.
Having said that I love horspower even more, so if I find a chance to sell it ( the compression measured last year was 6.8 and 7.1) I will, for something stronger, but I also would like to know if you as a club have tried and reccomend a workshop specialised on rx8.
Hope you don't mind me writing in english and I look forward to any meeting or event if you have me. :)

PS: Also interested if someone has installed a turbo kit :))
- By BebeMischa (SuperForumposter) [nl] Date 09-07-2019 13:56
Wel George,

welcome here. ;-)

καλως ήρθατε εδώ
- By Martine (Rotary SuperSpammer) [nl] Date 09-07-2019 20:54 Edited 09-07-2019 21:21
Hi George,

Welcome to the club!
We looooove Greece ;-)

Sorry, you just missed Rotarystock on 07-07 in Lelystad.
Otherwise you were able to meet:
* Kees Hoebeke - he's a Rotary specialist from Rilland. He builds anything you like.
* Midas and John of
They own a workshop and are RX-8 specialized and are working on a turbo, to build into a RX-8.

Greets, M&M
Up Topic Algemeen / Lounge / New Here

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